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​Why support our seminaries?


Seminary visit was not on my original itinerary but my flight to Monterrey arrived early so I took advantage of the opportunity. I met with Father Mario and Father Gerardo. They were so generous with their time. While walking the grounds I asked Father Mario how others can be of assistance. His answer was simple and matter of fact. "I have hundreds of seminarians to form and educate. We've done everything we can to solicit support from the local community including the food we eat. We cut every cost we can. I need $6 per day to educate and form a seminarian and I only have $4."  I asked Father Mario, "Why should we support our seminarians?" I expected Father Mario to tell me about all the good works, the outreach programs, etc. But he had a different answer. His answer stuck by me throughout the rest of my trip. I still think about his answer even today. He said, "To me the question is why have priests?", says Father Mario. "When I was baptized there was a priest to baptize me. When I was Confirmed, there was a priest. Throughout my life, in good times and in bad, there was a priest to guide me and to be there for my sacramental life. I do not doubt when I pass from this earth, there will be a priest to guide me in the next life." ​

We were placed here on earth not to journey by ourselves. Who would you rather accompany you on your journey?  There are billions of people around the world seeking directions from all that the world has to offer. There are not enough priests!!! I hope more people will help support the education of seminarians around the world.

My visit with Father Mario and Gerardo was brief but I tell you it was worth the journey. And yes, I pray I will have a priest too to welcome me when my time is up here on earth. To our priests, THANK YOU.     Rick


P.S. That's me with Father Mario.

Monterrey Seminary

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